3 Helpful Online Tools for the Marine Energy Industry

26 April, 2017

Why use these online tools?

As a company developing technology in this exciting and growing industry, we understand the importance of using credible online resources for research and updates. There are several databases that are freely available online, however today we are just going to discuss 3.

Outlined below is information on Ocean Energy Ireland, EMODnet and NREL’s Map Atas for anyone looking to gain knowledge, check live data or explore facts on the marine renewable energy industry. We have personally used these websites and have found each one easily accessible, interactive and highly informative.


1. Ocean Energy Ireland 

Ocean Energy Ireland is a one stop shop if you are interested in researching, partnering or developing your technology in Ireland. With the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland and the Marine Institute behind it, you can rest easy that all of the research is reliable to use. An interesting feature is the real time data available from buoys around Ireland.


Other features include:

Maps: Offers a full map gallery and atlas. In this section, you can view the tidal energy resource potential around Ireland, along with options for different layers.

Data: This section gives you observations for Galway Bay, Mayo, Dublin Bay, Cork Harbour and Clare. For example, the observation on the Galway Bay Tide Gage brings you live data on water levels, which also gives the user a downloadable option.


2. EMODnet Central Portal 

Looking for data on Bathymetry, Geology, Seabed habits, Chemistry, Biology, Physics, Human Activities or Coastal Mapping? Visit  the EMODnet central portal and delve into their free to use marine data. The European Marine Observation and Data Network (EMODnet) supplies their data by working with over 160 organisations.


See some examples of what can be found in the data portals:

The Bathymetry portal allows the retrieval of depth profiles for anywhere in Europe. There are several different layers depending on preference such as depth contours, coastlines and coastal areas with high resolution bathymetry.


The human activity portal showcases tidal energy projects and test site locations around Europe. This portal gives users the opportunity to submit data to EMOD for their review to potentially be added to the portal.


GKinetic recently submitted our 2015 Limerick Docks Project, where we successfully deployed and tow tested a 10kW prototype device. Our project has been approved and will be added to the portal soon.


3. NREL MHK Atlas 

For those who are interested in learning more about the marine potential in the United States, explore the National Renewable Energy Laboratory’s Marine Hydrokinetic Atlas. The atlas has different data layers and a query tool that allows the user to view recorded information for any area selected  in the the United States.


Data Layer examples within the map atlas include:

  • Riverine Hydrokinetic Resource
  • Tidal Stream Power
  • Wave Energy
  • Bathymetry



All of these functional websites have common characteristics while supplying the online community with different data in terms of research areas and location. The information we covered is just a preview of what all of these sites have to offer. Our research is ongoing, so it is great to have organisations such as Ocean Energy Ireland, EMODnet and National Renewable Energy Laboratory working hard to generate easily accessible, credible data.


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