A very proud moment for GKinetic Energy Ltd. happened on 21st September 2023. We held a company showcase in Shannon Rowing Club in the center of Limerick in the most amazing building with our GKinetic Turbine anchored in the River Shannon outside. What a novelty for all, to be able to speak to a packed room about the journey of our turbine from concept to creation, and then to walk out the door and see it there in real life, looking very unassuming it must be said. The purpose of the event was firstly as a showcase but also to bring together the many people who have been part of this journey with us. Many people have helped and the event was a way to thank all those who contributed and for them to get an opportunity to see the benefits of that help. 

A huge thank you to all of our guest speakers on the day: Mayor of Limerick Gerald Mitchell, Climate Action Coordinator Limerick City and County Council and Project Coordinator Kieran Reeves, Dr Nicholas Baker Horne from Queens University Belfast, Dr Colin Lawton Head of Zoology, School of Natural Sciences University of Galway and Dr Emer Dennehy PhD, Programme Manager for Offshore Renewable Energy, Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI)
A huge thank you to all the fantastic volunteers at Shannon Rowing Club also, a really beautiful building to host an event right in the heart of the city. And to Limerick City and County Council and the CityxChange project for supporting the event.

If you would like to see more about our event why not check out the video created on the day.