GKinetic Energy have been selected as a top 5 Finalist for this year’s BlueInvest Awards in the ‘Energy from the Ocean’ category. As a top SME in this category, GKinetic’s COO and Co-Founder, Roisin Mc Cormack will pitch to a jury panel of key investors at the Finals. The pitch sessions will use a shark tank format, 5 minutes pitch followed by 5 minutes Q&A. 

Roisin has been brushing up by practicing her pitch on her dog Toto who hasn’t had much say in the matter. The 2 year old cockapoo is known as a harsh critic with a very short attention span so makes for a great challenge. Roisin shares: 

“I figure if I can keep my dog engaged enough to not jump off the couch for the full 5 minutes of the pitch then I must be doing okay. I’ll step it up then by adding in deliberate distractions, background noises, throwing a ball across the floor, to really push myself to be as enthusiastic and interesting as possible on the day. I apologise in advance if I accidentally call one of the jury panel Toto”

Toto not looking overly impressed, still work to do!

The pitch event will be held as part of BlueInvest Day 2021 on the 26th of January with over 700 participants already registered to attend. GKinetic has found the BlueInvest programme to be a huge asset to their business, offering excellent events, networking and support. The company recently received BlueInvest Readiness Assistance which started in November last year. The awards are a major part of BlueInvest Day with 20 top Startups and SMEs selected to pitch in the finals. The 3 other Award categories include: Green Shipping Solutions; Sustainable Food & Feed from the Ocean and Healthy Oceans & Resilient Coasts. 

The Energy from Ocean category covers innovative solutions and technologies in the field of ocean renewable energy. The other selected finalists for this year’s ‘Energy from the Ocean’ category are: Eco Wave Power; Eolink; Waveroller and Heliorec

BlueInvest Day 2021 will be live streamed through the event website. The event is free to attend and registration can take place via their website. All the team at GKinetic wish everyone pitching on the day the very best of luck! 

BlueInvest aims to boost innovation and investment in sustainable technologies for the blue economy, by supporting readiness and access to finance for early-stage businesses, SMEs and scale-ups. It is enabled by the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund. https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/maritimeforum/en/frontpage/1451