The Hunt Museum has had a thought provoking exhibition around climate change called “Night candles are burnt out” running since Sept 2023 which is now drawing to a close.  GKinetic have been delighted to be a part of this initiative so when given the opportunity to be involved in the final event  ‘Culture & Climate Action Conference 2024’  at the Istabraq Hall in Limerick City & County Council on February 23rd, Gary Brennan, CTO for GKinetic, was more than happy to participate.

Taking the format of a round table discussion with Brian Ó Gallachóir  Clare Duffy and Brian FitzGerald  which involved discussing all things energy engineering, it was a full day of exploration of the culture change needed to combat climate change.

Gary commented ““It was an interesting cross section of academia, industry and the public who were at the event which led to very animated round table discussions about how we reach the tipping point where the vast majority of people commit to working together to mitigate the effects of climate change”

In addition, the artist Philip Barrett captured the day in a very interesting graphic that is very worthwhile checking out here Conference graphic