GKinetic is a consortium partner for the EU Project: +CityxChange
25 June, 2018
1:10 scale device at the Limerick Docks in September, 2017
GKinetic have been asked to join +CityxChange as a consortium partner. The project is developing smart cities for more sustainable and greener communities by using technology in Trondheim, Norway and in our very own, Limerick City here in Ireland, along with other follower and partner cities in the EU including: Alba Lulia, Romania; Pisek, Czech Republic; Võru, Estonia; Smolyan, Bulgaria; and Sestao, Spain. The project is seeking funding from the EU’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme. There are 30 partners involved and they are planning to have 11 demonstration projects. This is just one of the exciting projects that the company has been a part of this past year. Our strategic partner, DesignPro Renewables are preparing to deploy their 25kW device at Seeneoh in Bordeaux, France this summer, using our technology concept. The build and deployment of this device will provide GKinetic with invaluable data and research to scale up our technology to a 250kW ocean turbine.
In addition, this month we completed a video working with Earthbound Films, that features interviews with our Managing Director, Vincent Mc Cormack, Paul Collins, Managing Director of DesignPro Automation and Dr. Stephen Nash of NUI Galway and MaREI:
These collaborative projects are key to scaling up our tidal technology. We have lots of exciting events coming up this year. This month, you can catch Vincent speaking at the Marine Trade Show in Galway on the 29th of June at 11:00AM as part of Our Ocean Wealth Summit. This year’s event will be held at the Galway Docks.
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