GKinetics machine build partners prepare to cut steel on 25kW device
17 January, 2018
DesignPro Renewables team sign contract to test 25kW device at SEENEOH
It’s an exciting week for GKinetic as our machine build partners prepare to cut steel on their first 25kw turbine which utilizes the GKinetic concept. For us, this is a significant milestone as DesignPro move from the design phase into the build phase in preparations to deploy the largest device yet in April of this year. Following a significant amount of research and negotiations, DesignPro secured the SEENEOH test site to deploy this device and this week we will start to see all the hard work over the past few months come to fruition.
The selection of this test site required careful research and consideration from the entire team to ensure the best possible location was selected. After rigorous evaluation, SEENEOH, which is on the Garonne River in Bordeaux, France was chosen. The site has equipment which allows for extensive tests to be carried out on the turbine over the course of 12 months. It has been fully operational since March 2017 with three exclusive testing berths available for use. DesignPro will be the second company to utilise the site with HydroQuest, a French device developer, being the first. The 25kW device will be deployed there in April 2018 and will remain at the facility for one year until being lifted out and relocated to a commercial deployment site in April 2019.
GKinetic’s Managing Director Vincent extends his congratulations to DesignPro on securing the site and said that he looks forward to working closely with the company throughout the project and into the future.
We would like to wish DesignPro the very best of luck with their first deployment and are excited to see what’s to come.
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