Gary Brennan our CTO has been attending a 4 day event in Barcelona where all things ‘SMARTCITY’ were on display at the Smart City Expo World Congress. With bioenergy harnessing electrons from the soil and wired up mussels for water quality sensors, the rate of development of technology is mesmerizing.

Part of that mix is GKinetic Energy Ltd technology and discussions over these days with city managers, development bodies and research projects has reinforced the huge part we can play with a dependable baseload energy supply. With thanks to +CityxChange who introduced us to the network, interest in what we have to offer is growing exponentially.

The initiatives taken by some regions to affect change are very innovative such as Helsingborg – the making of a smarter city looking to co-create a city of the future and others such as Grenoble-Alpes Métropole and  Smart Tampere to name just two of many making positive impact.

If you would like to read more about this event and their plans for 2024 check them out here SmartCityExpo