Testing At Limerick Docks Attracts International Attention

6 October, 2017

Visitors to Limerick Docks see turbine from the water.

In October 2015, GKinetic first deployed their 1:10 scale device named OC1 in the Limerick Docks. Over the past two years major technical milestones have been achieved with thanks to MaREI and Numerics Warehouse.  GKinetic have carried out tests on the improved prototype device in the Limerick docks over the last six weeks, monitoring the devices newly improved PTO system and blade performance with important results collected.

GKinetic setup this custom test facility by collaborating with Shannon Foynes Port Company (SFPC), who operate the docks where an ideal, enclosed 450 metre tow-testing area is a great stepping stone between the lab and open ocean for device developers. The testing was funded by the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland who continue to show great support for projects that harness renewable energy from tidal flow in Ireland.

During the testing phase, GKinetic were delighted to facilitate two groups of international visitors to view the device being tested and explain more about the project. Dr. Eric Bibeau, a specialist in hydrokinetic river turbines and Director of the Canadian Hydrokinetic Turbine Test Centre visited in late August, along with representatives from Shannon Foynes Port Company, SEAI, NUI Galway, Numerics Warehouse, the Limerick City and County Council, Innovate Limerick, the University of Limerick, Marine Ireland and Enterprise Ireland.

The second large visit was on September 1st and was made up of delegates from the European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference (EWTEC) led by Tony Lewis. Visitors came from as far as Korea, Japan, Australia and the US and were shown demonstrations, live tow-tests and got to see the custom winch and data cabin while finding out more about the project and the Docks as a test facility.

There have been important new insights and data gathered from this round of testing which will allow for the optimisation to be evaluated. The results will help contribute to the scaling up of the device and preparation for open water deployments.


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