GKinetic is delighted to be collaborating with the TIDAL-GES Project from the University of Galway. We are facilitating some of the TIDAL-GES team to gather feedback on people’s perceptions in Ireland around the development of renewable energy (more specifically, tidal energy) with a focus on its environmental and social impacts.

From the 19th – 22nd of September, GKinetic deployed a 12kW tidal device in the middle of Limerick city as part of their work in the +CityxChange project. Footage of the unit in situ can be seen here: https://youtu.be/O2qPGdTSPBU.

We ask that anyone who saw the device either in real-life or via the video fotoage, share their thoughts and feedback with the TIDAL-GES team via this survey link: https://nuigalwaybusiness.fra1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_8IkVsPV3yFdybHg.

This survey has been granted Ethics approval through the ethics committee reference number 2023.08.002. You will find a comment section at the end of the survey if you wish to make any comments or ask any questions to the research team or to the developer (GKinetic). The full versions of the project’s consent form and Plain Language Statement can be found here.

This type of research and feedback is so important to help us advance the industry, we thank you in advance for your inputs!